By Jason Hartung

Friday, March 2, 2012

Why gnuhart?

How did the gnuhart name come about? First, it started as an account name using the letters of my last name that was less than seventeen characters, had no underscores, periods, numbers, or special characters, and was available on gmail. It was either or and I went with one I could remember without writing it down. But, after I chose it, it took on more meaning. Gnus and harts are words for deer and remind me of Psalm 42:1 and my need to thirst for God. Phonetically, it reminds me of the new heart that I have because of Christ (Ezekiel 36:26) and the hope I have in being delivered from darkness and transferred into His Kingdom (Colossians 1:13-14). Gnuhart reminds me of the gospel, God's revelation of Himself and His plans for redemption. May my words and deeds be a reflection of the new heart God has given me by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

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