By Jason Hartung

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wisdom and counsel for men

I am about half-way through What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him by Byron Forrest Yawn and have found it to be a great source of encouragement and edification. Byron’s writing is easy and enjoyable to read. I found myself engrossed in the biblical counsel and godly wisdom, which he unpacked in each chapter with a straight-forward, “hold no punches” style. Biblical teaching, life stories, and timely wit are effectively used to pass on gems of wisdom that apply to fathers and men in general. Along the way, Byron corrects many misconceptions that we have from our culture about what it means to be men. Here is one excerpt:

Ambition is not the same as having a dream. A dream is simply the raw material for aim and purpose. The dreamer is the guy who would like to do something without a clue as to how to do it. A dream is good to have, but usually isn’t tempered by reality. Dreamers frustrate those around them by false starts and wasted resources. A wise decision is what happens when a dream has looked reality in the face. It’s an awareness of what one can do in light of the cost involved in doing it. True ambition has both the courage and wisdom to get the dream off the ground.

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